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  • in reply to: SI 2011 can not see the invoices #1468

    If you are running SI 2011, you should try to update to master_2019.2. I should work with your level of PHP. The update is pretty straight forward.

    1. Backup your database
    2. Copy your SI in to another backup directory.
    3. Delete all the sub-directories in your SI directory.
    4. Unzip the master_2019.2 zip file content into your empty SI directory
    5. Copy the config/custom.config.php file from your copy of the old SI into the config directory of your existing SI directory. If you don’t have a custom.config.php, copy the config/config.php after renaming it to custom.config.php
    6. Run SI. I should show you that there are a number of updates that need to be applied. Do this.
      You might be stopped at the update that adds foreign key support if you have orphaned records in your database. If so, look at the instructions in the error message and see if you can resolve it. If not, get back to me.
    in reply to: Updating from 2018 to 2019, now to master2020 #1465

    When you load an update, you should load all the files. I start by making a backup copy of what I have, then delete all existing folders, extract the update from the zip file into your empty directory, then copy the config/custom.config.ini file from your backed up copy to the config directory of the update. Then run SI. This way you make sure that you have no residual files that might be a problem.

    in reply to: Update 2011 version to 2019_2 version #1462

    Glad to hear it. It has been a tough upgrade road for you but success in the end will be worth it.

    in reply to: Update 2011 version to 2019_2 version #1459

    No sure what you mean by “set the bill and the quote in SI master 2020. So you can elaborate on that.

    For reports, the currency code comes from the localCurrencyCode in the custom.config.ini file.

    Working with templates is a learn by doing exercise. Refer to the Invoice Templates & Styles topic on the left.

    There are two locations where the language is set. In the custom.config.ini, and in the Inv Prefs records. These control which language file is read. For instance, a setting of fr_FR uses language from the lang/fr_FR/lang.php file. My needs are simple. So I set all these values the same. Maybe you need to do this also.

    If I misunderstood the language issue, you might just need to translate the phrase in the lang file you want to use.

    in reply to: Update 2013 to 2019 – cant login #1449

    Look in your tmp/log/php.log file to see if there is more of an explanation. If you need me to look at it, copy the log file to a zip file and attach that zip file to a response to this message.

    Also note what OS you are on and what webserver software you are using.

    in reply to: Update 2011 version to 2019_2 version #1444

    Export the structure of you database, zip it and attach to a response to this topic. I need to determine if their might be other inconsistencies with what the patch process is expecting.

    in reply to: Updating from 2018 to 2019, now to master2020 #1442

    I’ve loaded updated library files in the latest version of master_2020. Use this and see if you still have an issue, let me know.


    SI updates your custom.config.php file if it is missing tags that have been added to config.php. To do this, it renames your custom.config.php file to custom.config.php.old and then creates a new custom.config.php and loads the data in it. If the application does not have write access to the config directory, it cannot do this.

    You need to make sure the application has write access to this directory. Also to the public and tmp directories.

    in reply to: Update 2011 version to 2019_2 version #1439


    I assume the error displayed in your browser is:

    SqlPatchManager::runSqlPatch() - PdoDb - query(): Execute error. See error_log.

    In the php.log, it is attempting to create the si_products_attributes table but this table already exists.

    This update would only happen if the greatest value of the sql_patch_ref column in the si_sql_patchmanager table has a value less than 255 and if the si_products_attributes table already exists.

    This inconsistency suggest your database is in an unknown state.

    To remedy this, you should DROP all tables from the database and then Import the database running for SI 2011 at the time you upgraded to PHP 7.4.

    After doing this, check out the content of the si_sql_patchmanager table and verify that the greatest sql_patch_ref value is less than 255 and that there is no si_products_attributes table. Or, that the greatest sql_patch_ref value is greater than or equal to 255 and the si_products_attributes table exists.

    If one of these assertions is true, you can access the master_2019.2 code that you have loaded on your system and hopefully this will run correctly. Let me know if this is the case.

    However, if neither of these assertions is true, do not run anything, report that here and we’ll work on it further.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by RRowley.
    in reply to: Update 2011 version to 2019_2 version #1438

    I assume the error displayed in your browser is:

    SqlPatchManager::runSqlPatch() - PdoDb - query(): Execute error. See error_log.

    In the php.log, it is attempting to create the si_products_attributes table but this table already exists.

    This update would only happen if the last row in the si_sql_patchmanager table has a sql_patch_ref value less than 255 but the si_products_attributes table already exists.

    This inconsistency suggest your database is in an unknown state.

    To remedy this, you should restore both database and SI version to what you had running correctly for SI 2011 at the time you upgraded to PHP 7.4. After doing this, check out the content of the si_sql_patchmanager table and verify that the greatest sql_patch_ref value is less than 255. Also verify that there is no si_products_attributes table.

    If both these assertions are true, then access the master_2019.2 code that you have loaded on your system.

    Hopefully this will run correctly. Let me know either way.

    in reply to: Update 2011 version to 2019_2 version #1423

    The error you are getting doesn’t appear to come from the master_2019.2 load. I believe that you loaded the master version which isn’t supported. Use this link to get the master_2019.2 version: Master 2019.2 Zip File.

    You should restore your database and clear out all file from the previous download. Be sure to keep your config/config.php and config/custom.config.php files from before the previous load.

    in reply to: Install a db 2011 si version with 2019 or 2020 si version #1406

    A user has encountered this issue before. The problem is the value in the database for the si_system_defaults table on the row with the name of “Delete”, is not correct. It likely contains a Y or N, or a T or F. Change this value manually to be 1 or 0 respectively.

    in reply to: Install a db 2011 si version with 2019 or 2020 si version #1402

    You have to load and successfully run the master_2019.2 update before you can load the master_2020 version. Please make sure that you process it in this order.

    in reply to: Install a db 2011 si version with 2019 or 2020 si version #1398

    In the si_system_defaults table, find the row with “name = delete.” The value in it needs to be a 0 or 1. It probably has a “T” or “F”, or “Y” or “N”. Change it to “1” or “0” respectively.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by RRowley.
    in reply to: Updating from 2018 to 2019, now to master2020 #1395

    OK, lets just set the basics in the custom.config.ini file. Retype your lines to make sure there are no weird characters in them. Also, there is an updated Config.php file in the zip below. It checks for the false return that you are getting and shows a generic error rather stack dump.

    databaseAdapter                 = pdo_mysql
    databaseUtf8                    = true
    databaseHost                    = yourhostsetting
    databaseUsername                = yourdbusername
    databasePassword                = "yourdbpassword"
    databaseDbname                  = yourdbname
    databasePort                    = 3306
    authenticationEnabled           = true
    authenticationHttp              =
    exportSpreadsheet               = xls
    exportWordProcessor             = doc
    exportPdfDefaultFontSize        = 12
    exportPdfPaperSize              = Letter
    exportPdfLeftMargin             = 15
    exportPdfRightMargin            = 15
    exportPdfTopMargin              = 15
    exportPdfBottomMargin           = 15
    versionName                     = 2020.0.12
    versionUpdateDate               = 20210128
    localLocale                     = en_US
    localCurrencyCode               = USD
    localPrecision                  = 2
    emailHost                       = youremailsmtphost
    emailSmtpAuth                   = true
    emailUsername                   = youremailusername
    emailPassword                   = youremailpassword
    emailSmtpPort                   = yoursmtpport
    emailSecure                     = yoursecuresetting
    emailAck                        = youracksetting(true/false)
    emailUseLocalSendmail           = youruserlocalsendmailsetting(true/false)
    encryptionDefaultKey            = this_is_the_encryption_key_change_it
    nonceKey                        = this_should_be_random_and_secret_so_change_it
    nonceTimeLimit                  = 3600
    debugLevel                      = All
    debugErrorReporting             = E_ERROR
    phpSettingsDateTimezone         = yourdatetimezonesetting
    phpSettingsDisplayStartupErrors = 1
    phpSettingsDisplayErrors        = 1
    phpSettingsLogErrors            = 1
    phpSettingsErrorLog             = tmp/log/php.log
    ; Logs in tmp/log/si.log. Set to the desired level for log detail.
    ; The lower the number, the more information will be logged.
    ; DEBUG(100),INFO(200),NOTICE(250),WARNING(300),ERROR(400),CRITICAL(500),ALERT(550),EMERGENCY(600)
    loggerLevel                     = DEBUG
    ; Explicitly confirm delete of line items from invoices? (yes/no)
    confirmDeleteLineItem           = no
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