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  • in reply to: going from version 2018.1.3 to 2019.1.1 (database issue) #697

    I have about 200 invoices I think. It can be a bit slow as well but since I am only testing it at the moment it is not on the fastest machine. It takes about 10 seconds for me to load the invoices pages

    in reply to: going from version 2018.1.3 to 2019.1.1 (database issue) #694

    Richard seems to be away at the moment. He is really the one that would be able to help you.

    in reply to: going from version 2018.1.3 to 2019.1.1 (database issue) #692

    No PDF export does work for me. The issue I had was my templates would not display properly with things all over the place.
    I found that mpdf which Richard is using has some limitation with some CSS attributes.

    Once knows the templates can be adapted

    On my side I am using a bit of strange config.

    I have a docker container running:

    – linux Alpine rev 3.10.2
    – PHP 7.3.9 with PHP-FPM
    – Nginx 1.16.1

    in another container I have Mariadb (rev 10 I think)

    in reply to: going from version 2018.1.3 to 2019.1.1 (database issue) #690

    Glad you got it sorted.

    For the PDF I feel for you. It is not as easy as one would think to export to PDF. I have been struggling myself with its limitations.

    in reply to: going from version 2018.1.3 to 2019.1.1 (database issue) #681

    for the php.log file what does the custom.config.php contains? Here is mine

    debug.level                                     = All
    debug.error_reporting                           = E_ERROR
    phpSettings.date.timezone                       = Europe/London
    phpSettings.display_startup_errors  = 1
    phpSettings.display_errors                      = 1
    phpSettings.log_errors                          = 1
    phpSettings.error_log                           = tmp/log/php.log
    in reply to: going from version 2018.1.3 to 2019.1.1 (database issue) #674

    well if all of them are really set to 0 then you have a different issue than I did. I would still check the sqlbackup file to be sure.

    And are you sure you don’t have a php.log file in your tmp/log directory?

    in reply to: going from version 2018.1.3 to 2019.1.1 (database issue) #670

    Is that all your product listed there? If you are like me then only a few were loaded..

    I would suggest to check the sqlbackup file (it should be a text file) to make sure that the field default_tax_id_2 is really set to either null or 0 for all product.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by ppmt.
    in reply to: going from version 2018.1.3 to 2019.1.1 (database issue) #667

    can you check the database dump file you have (the one you imported) and check that the table si_products.

    If the field default_tax_id_2 is set to “” (empty) then it is the reason it was failing for me. The solution is to update the file to set the empty field to null and the reimport the database and restart the upgrade.

    in reply to: PDF rendering vs Print Preview #664

    I have tried to play a bit with using div and span rather that table. I also tried to use css grid…
    But whatever I try I can get it to display well in the html version (print icon) but if I render it to PDF it just doesn’t render the same.

    The default theme has the same behaviour

    in reply to: new line in invoices not fully populated #663

    any opinion on this issue?

    in reply to: PDF rendering vs Print Preview #662

    Hum…turns out that apparently float and clear are not supported for table in mpdf


    time for a reflow of my template 🙂

    in reply to: Debugging email #651

    Uploaded and tested. It works

    Glad it got sorted 🙂

    in reply to: Debugging email #649

    how about using

    $config->email->secure ?

    it works for me if I do that

    in reply to: Debugging email #643


    I managed to send an email at last!

    But I had to modify the file Inc/Claz/Email.php line 81 to add ssl like this:

    $transport = new Swift_SmtpTransport($config->email->host, $config->email->smtpport<strong>, 'ssl'</strong>);

    is there any reason why the email.secure from custom.config.php is not used?

    in reply to: Debugging email #642

    I have been having a long email exchange with the support people at byethost. In the end we could not find the problem but they pointed me to some script example using Switmailer.

    Here is the script swiftmailer.php I have written and put in /modules/invoices:

    use Inc\Claz\Email;
    print_r( stream_get_transports());
    // Create the Transport
    $transport = (new Swift_SmtpTransport('sv4.byethost4.org', 290, 'ssl'))
    // Create the Mailer using your created Transport
    $mailer = new Swift_Mailer($transport);
    // Create a message
    $message = (new Swift_Message('The Subject'))
      ->setFrom(['fromemail@mydomain' => 'John Doe'])
      ->setTo(['toemail@myotherdomain' => 'A name'])
      ->setBody('Here is the message itself')
    // Send the message
    $result = $mailer->send($message);

    I then use http://myserver/index.php?module=invoices&view=swiftmail to execute it.
    and it works. The email is sent and received.

    Now if I set the custom.config.php to use the same data like this

    email.host                          = sv4.byethost4.org
    email.smtp_auth                     = true
    email.username                      = myusername
    email.password                      = mypassword
    email.smtpport                      = 290
    email.secure                        = ssl
    email.ack                           = false
    email.use_local_sendmail            = false

    if I then try to send an email the normal then it fails with the Timed Out error!

    I don’t understand!!

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