Updating from 2018 to 2019, now to master2020

SimpleInvoices Group Forum Forums Fearless359 SimpleInvoices Discussion Group Updating from 2018 to 2019, now to master2020

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  • #1377

    I was able to update to 2019 however the only problem was the list of invoices was blank, but I was still able to view invoices via the customer list. I ignored the issue with no invoices being listed and moved to updating to master 2020.

    everything seemed to go smoothly, until I went to run it for the first time and I keep getting this error, and no matter what I try I can’t get past this.

    I am running PHP 7.4

    <br />
    <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught TypeError: Typed property Inc\Claz\Config::$customConfig must be array, null used in /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/Inc/Claz/Config.php:43
    Stack trace:
    #0 /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/Inc/Claz/Setup.php(26): Inc\Claz\Config::init(‘production’, true, ‘config/custom.c…’)
    #1 /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/index.php(92): Inc\Claz\Setup->__construct(‘production’, true)
    #2 {main}
    thrown in <b>/homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/Inc/Claz/Config.php</b> on line <b>43</b><br />


    Please zip and attach your tmp/log/php.log file in a response to this message.


    That file [php.log] does not exist in that directory.

    I went through the entire update process a second time and I am still getting the same errors.

    Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Typed property Inc\Claz\Config::$customConfig must be array, null used in /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/Inc/Claz/Config.php:43 Stack trace: #0 /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/Inc/Claz/Setup.php(26): Inc\Claz\Config::init(‘production’, true, ‘config/custom.c…’) #1 /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/index.php(92): Inc\Claz\Setup->__construct(‘production’, true) #2 {main} thrown in /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/Inc/Claz/Config.php on line 43

    when dealing with 2019.2 I have some strange behavior that may or may not be related [see attached]

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Fuquar7. Reason: better screen shots

    Make a copy of your custom.config.ini file. Then obfuscate the passwords and personal info in the custom.config.ini file, and zip it. Attach the zip file to a response to this message.


    As requested see attached


    Not sure what is happening. Your custom.config.ini parses correctly for me once I fill in valid database settings. So we need to troubleshoot to drill down to the problem. Attached is a zip file containing the Config.php file. Store this in your Inc/Claz folder over the existing version of the file. After doing this, do any action (display the login screen, etc.) and there will be information displayed at the top of the browser screen. Copy this information to a response to this this message. Show the info in a CODE section so nothing get misinterpreted.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by RRowley.

    `string(38) “file config/custom.config.ini exists: ”
    string(50) “gettype config/custom.config.ini[production]: NULL”
    <br />
    <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught TypeError: Typed property Inc\Claz\Config::$customConfig must be array, null used in /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/Inc/Claz/Config.php:47
    Stack trace:
    #0 /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/Inc/Claz/Setup.php(26): Inc\Claz\Config::init(‘production’, false, ‘config/custom.c…’)
    #1 /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/index.php(92): Inc\Claz\Setup->__construct(‘production’, false)
    #2 {main}
    thrown in <b>/homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar/simpleinvoices/Inc/Claz/Config.php</b> on line <b>47</b><br />


    Change line 45 and 46 of the Inc/Claz/Config.php file from:

    $fooType = getType($config[$section]);
    var_dump("gettype {$configFile}[{$section}]: {$fooType}");
    $fooType = getType($config);
    var_dump("gettype {$configFile}: {$fooType}");

    and run the test again.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by RRowley.
    string(38) "file config/custom.config.ini exists: "
    string(41) "gettype config/custom.config.ini: boolean"
    <br />
    <b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught TypeError: Typed property Inc\Claz\Config::$customConfig must be array, null used in /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar.com/simpleinvoices_20210315_Work_in_Progress_2020_update/Inc/Claz/Config.php:47
    Stack trace:
    #0 /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar.com/simpleinvoices_20210315_Work_in_Progress_2020_update/Inc/Claz/Setup.php(26): Inc\Claz\Config::init('production', true, 'config/custom.c...')
    #1 /homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar.com/simpleinvoices_20210315_Work_in_Progress_2020_update/index.php(92): Inc\Claz\Setup->__construct('production', true)
    #2 {main}
      thrown in <b>/homepages/36/d249534786/htdocs/fuquar.com/simpleinvoices_20210315_Work_in_Progress_2020_update/Inc/Claz/Config.php</b> on line <b>47</b><br />

    Hopefully this will help. I am nothing but a script kitty, this is a bit beyond my skillset.


    OK, lets just set the basics in the custom.config.ini file. Retype your lines to make sure there are no weird characters in them. Also, there is an updated Config.php file in the zip below. It checks for the false return that you are getting and shows a generic error rather stack dump.

    databaseAdapter                 = pdo_mysql
    databaseUtf8                    = true
    databaseHost                    = yourhostsetting
    databaseUsername                = yourdbusername
    databasePassword                = "yourdbpassword"
    databaseDbname                  = yourdbname
    databasePort                    = 3306
    authenticationEnabled           = true
    authenticationHttp              =
    exportSpreadsheet               = xls
    exportWordProcessor             = doc
    exportPdfDefaultFontSize        = 12
    exportPdfPaperSize              = Letter
    exportPdfLeftMargin             = 15
    exportPdfRightMargin            = 15
    exportPdfTopMargin              = 15
    exportPdfBottomMargin           = 15
    versionName                     = 2020.0.12
    versionUpdateDate               = 20210128
    localLocale                     = en_US
    localCurrencyCode               = USD
    localPrecision                  = 2
    emailHost                       = youremailsmtphost
    emailSmtpAuth                   = true
    emailUsername                   = youremailusername
    emailPassword                   = youremailpassword
    emailSmtpPort                   = yoursmtpport
    emailSecure                     = yoursecuresetting
    emailAck                        = youracksetting(true/false)
    emailUseLocalSendmail           = youruserlocalsendmailsetting(true/false)
    encryptionDefaultKey            = this_is_the_encryption_key_change_it
    nonceKey                        = this_should_be_random_and_secret_so_change_it
    nonceTimeLimit                  = 3600
    debugLevel                      = All
    debugErrorReporting             = E_ERROR
    phpSettingsDateTimezone         = yourdatetimezonesetting
    phpSettingsDisplayStartupErrors = 1
    phpSettingsDisplayErrors        = 1
    phpSettingsLogErrors            = 1
    phpSettingsErrorLog             = tmp/log/php.log
    ; Logs in tmp/log/si.log. Set to the desired level for log detail.
    ; The lower the number, the more information will be logged.
    ; DEBUG(100),INFO(200),NOTICE(250),WARNING(300),ERROR(400),CRITICAL(500),ALERT(550),EMERGENCY(600)
    loggerLevel                     = DEBUG
    ; Explicitly confirm delete of line items from invoices? (yes/no)
    confirmDeleteLineItem           = no

    That worked, Thank you!

    minor problem now no invoice listing it’s stuck on loading


    I’ve loaded updated library files in the latest version of master_2020. Use this and see if you still have an issue, let me know.


    What folders/files do I need to update?

    I’ve replaced


    with no change


    When you load an update, you should load all the files. I start by making a backup copy of what I have, then delete all existing folders, extract the update from the zip file into your empty directory, then copy the config/custom.config.ini file from your backed up copy to the config directory of the update. Then run SI. This way you make sure that you have no residual files that might be a problem.


    I have run the update and I still do not see the general listing of invoices, when I use inspect on Chrome these are the errors I receive

    index.php?module=inv…ces&view=manage:390 Uncaught RangeError: Invalid currency code : 
        at new NumberFormat (<anonymous>)
        at render (index.php?module=inv…ces&view=manage:390)
        at jquery.dataTables.min.js:18
        at Object.b.fnGetData (jquery.dataTables.min.js:12)
        at B (jquery.dataTables.min.js:17)
        at Ia (jquery.dataTables.min.js:15)
        at ob (jquery.dataTables.min.js:67)
        at T (jquery.dataTables.min.js:31)
        at jquery.dataTables.min.js:49
        at i (jquery.dataTables.min.js:36)
    favicon.ico:1 GET https://fuquar.com/images/favicon.ico 500
    index.php?module=invoices&view=manage:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
    index.php?module=invoices&view=manage:1 Error handling response: TypeError: Cannot read property 'loggedOut' of undefined
        at chrome-extension://kcnhkahnjcbndmmehfkdnkjomaanaooo/contentscript.js:167:137
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Fuquar7.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Fuquar7.
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