I need help with Smarty Error


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  • #2134

    So if you select the option to start using SI, it simply returns to this screen?

    What is the greatest value for the sql_patch_ref number in the si_sql_patchmanager table? If essential data is installed, you should be able to select the start using option and SI will prompt you to enter biller, customer and product.


    Yes the screen just keeps returning to that screen. No matter what option I use. Attached is the sql patchmanager table screenshot.


    Not sure what you are starting with at this point. Are you running 2019.2 to upgrade your existing database, or are you working from a empty database, no data, no tables? If running 2019.2 to upgrade existing database, did you set zend.logger_level = DEBUG in the custom_config.php file? If using 2023 version, you would set, loggerLevel = DEBUG in the custom_config.ini file.

    The delete the current tmp/log/si.log file. Also, delete the tmp/log/php.log file. Now run your test. After the test, zip both log files and provide them at attachments.


    Yes I am running 2019.2 to upgrade the old 2013 version. I am upgrading my existing DB. I have now set the Zend to debug. Please see attached archive file.


    Export the si_sql_patchmanager table structure and data. Zip the file and attach to your response. This table contains no secure information. It’s content is basically the same on all SI implementations and indicates what patches have been applied. Also, extract the si_cron_log table structure and include in the zip file. I just need to review its structure to confirm what the log is telling me. I think you already have patch 289 applied but there is not patch record for it. And you will just need to make the dummy patch record for it. But I need to review this information to confirm this.

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