Reply To: Update from master_2019.2 to master_2020



First…thanks for the wonderful effort to keep SimpleInvoices alive.

I am using SimpleInvoices on a LinuxMint 21 OS.

I have a similar issue to Bruce when attempting to upgrade from 2019.2 to 2020.
On page load I get a request to install essential data which I accept. I then get the options to [Start…] or [Install Sample…]. If I select [Start…] it returns to the page which offers to install essential data.

The custom.config.ini file was successfully updated/created from the custom.config.php file.

I have a working version of 2019.2 on the same Mint21 computer so the database is populated with data and is working OK.

I do not see any PHP errors when I use “E_ALL”. I do see some warnings.

I do not see any messages prompting to patch the data so I presume the database is not being seen, or accessed. I noted the installation steps state “….the databasePassword value needs to be withing quotes…” so I have tried using single (‘) and double (“) quotes around the password in custom.config.ini.

Has anyone got any suggestions on how I can debug the problem?

