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  • in reply to: Error creating new invoice #659

    Okay, I figured it out.
    It had something to do with the “invoice numbering group”.
    I can now add new invoices (Yeah !!)

    Next problem is that the age of the invoice isn’t shown.
    Also the field Owning isn’t shown.

    Very strange.
    Can you help me out here too ?

    in reply to: Error creating new invoice #646

    I’ve added the database in this message so you can take a look for yourself.
    Maybe you can find something wrong.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by edsulst.
    in reply to: Error creating new invoice #641

    The index_id field of the si_invoices table is 46
    The id field of the si_index table is also 46, so I don’t see any problems here.

    in reply to: Error creating new invoice #637

    I’ve upgraded from an older version of Simple Invoices.
    I’ve downloaded the “master_2019.2” from Github.

    The error below states that there is an duplicate entry.
    Off course I made a backup of the old Simple Invoices DB and when I use the older version, it’s still possible to add invoices, but not in the “master_2019.2” version.

    This is the complete log:
    [04-Oct-2019 15:09:30 Europe/London] PdoDb - debugger(): INSERT INTOsi_invoices(index_id,domain_id,biller_id,customer_id,type_id,preference_id,date,custom_field1,custom_field2,custom_field3,custom_field4,note,owing,last_activity_date,aging_date,age_days,aging,sales_representative`) VALUES (1, 1, 1, 15, 2, 2, ‘2019-10-04 15:09:30’, ”, ”, ”, ”, ‘<div>dd</div>’, 1, ‘2019-10-04 03:09:30’, ‘2019-10-04 03:09:30’, 0, ”, ”)
    [04-Oct-2019 15:09:30 Europe/London] PdoDb – query(): Execute error.Array
    [0] => 23000
    [1] => 1062
    [2] => Duplicate entry ‘1-2-1-1’ for key ‘UniqDIB’

    [04-Oct-2019 15:09:30 Europe/London] PdoDb – backtrace: Array
    [0] => Array
    [file] => /home/sulste1q/iwarecms.nl/invoice/Inc/Claz/PdoDb.php
    [line] => 1174
    [function] => query
    [class] => Inc\Claz\PdoDb
    [object] => Inc\Claz\PdoDb Object
    [caseStmts:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [debug:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [debug_label:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [debug_microtime:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => 0
    [distinct:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [excludedFields:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => Array
    [id] => 1

    [fauxPost:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => Array
    [biller_id] => 1
    [customer_id] => 15
    [type_id] => 2
    [preference_id] => 2
    [date] => 2019-10-04 15:09:30
    [note] => <div>dd</div>
    [custom_field1] =>
    [custom_field2] =>
    [custom_field3] =>
    [custom_field4] =>
    [sales_representative] =>
    [domain_id] => 1
    [index_id] => 1
    [last_activity_date] => 2019-10-04 03:09:30
    [owing] => 1
    [aging_date] => 2019-10-04 03:09:30
    [age_days] => 0
    [aging] =>

    [fieldPrefix:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [functions:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [groupBy:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [havings:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [joinStmts:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [keyPairs:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => Array
    [:index_id_000] => 1
    [:domain_id_001] => 1
    [:biller_id_002] => 1
    [:customer_id_003] => 15
    [:type_id_004] => 2
    [:preference_id_005] => 2
    [:date_006] => 2019-10-04 15:09:30
    [:custom_field1_007] =>
    [:custom_field2_008] =>
    [:custom_field3_009] =>
    [:custom_field4_010] =>
    [:note_011] => <div>dd</div>
    [:owing_012] => 1
    [:last_activity_date_013] => 2019-10-04 03:09:30
    [:aging_date_014] => 2019-10-04 03:09:30
    [:age_days_015] => 0
    [:aging_016] =>
    [:sales_representative_017] =>

    [lastCommand:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [limit:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => 0
    [noErrorLog:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [onDuplicateKey:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [orderBy:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [pdoDb:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => PDO Object

    [pdoDb2:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => PDO Object

    [saveLastCommand:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [selectAll:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [selectList:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [selectStmts:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [table_columns:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [table_constraints:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [table_engine:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [table_schema:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => sulste1q_invoicev2
    [transaction:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [usePost:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [whereClause:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>

    [type] => ->
    [args] => Array
    [0] => INSERT INTO si_invoices
    (index_id, domain_id, biller_id, customer_id, type_id,
    preference_id, date, custom_field1, custom_field2, custom_field3,
    custom_field4, note, owing, last_activity_date, aging_date,
    age_days, aging, sales_representative)
    VALUES (:index_id_000, :domain_id_001, :biller_id_002, :customer_id_003, :type_id_004,
    :preference_id_005, :date_006, :custom_field1_007, :custom_field2_008, :custom_field3_009,
    :custom_field4_010, :note_011, :owing_012, :last_activity_date_013, :aging_date_014,
    :age_days_015, :aging_016, :sales_representative_017)

    [1] => Array
    [:index_id_000] => 1
    [:domain_id_001] => 1
    [:biller_id_002] => 1
    [:customer_id_003] => 15
    [:type_id_004] => 2
    [:preference_id_005] => 2
    [:date_006] => 2019-10-04 15:09:30
    [:custom_field1_007] =>
    [:custom_field2_008] =>
    [:custom_field3_009] =>
    [:custom_field4_010] =>
    [:note_011] => <div>dd</div>
    [:owing_012] => 1
    [:last_activity_date_013] => 2019-10-04 03:09:30
    [:aging_date_014] => 2019-10-04 03:09:30
    [:age_days_015] => 0
    [:aging_016] =>
    [:sales_representative_017] =>



    [1] => Array
    [file] => /home/sulste1q/iwarecms.nl/invoice/Inc/Claz/Invoice.php
    [line] => 563
    [function] => request
    [class] => Inc\Claz\PdoDb
    [object] => Inc\Claz\PdoDb Object
    [caseStmts:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [debug:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [debug_label:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [debug_microtime:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => 0
    [distinct:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [excludedFields:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => Array
    [id] => 1

    [fauxPost:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => Array
    [biller_id] => 1
    [customer_id] => 15
    [type_id] => 2
    [preference_id] => 2
    [date] => 2019-10-04 15:09:30
    [note] => <div>dd</div>
    [custom_field1] =>
    [custom_field2] =>
    [custom_field3] =>
    [custom_field4] =>
    [sales_representative] =>
    [domain_id] => 1
    [index_id] => 1
    [last_activity_date] => 2019-10-04 03:09:30
    [owing] => 1
    [aging_date] => 2019-10-04 03:09:30
    [age_days] => 0
    [aging] =>

    [fieldPrefix:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [functions:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [groupBy:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [havings:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [joinStmts:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [keyPairs:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => Array
    [:index_id_000] => 1
    [:domain_id_001] => 1
    [:biller_id_002] => 1
    [:customer_id_003] => 15
    [:type_id_004] => 2
    [:preference_id_005] => 2
    [:date_006] => 2019-10-04 15:09:30
    [:custom_field1_007] =>
    [:custom_field2_008] =>
    [:custom_field3_009] =>
    [:custom_field4_010] =>
    [:note_011] => <div>dd</div>
    [:owing_012] => 1
    [:last_activity_date_013] => 2019-10-04 03:09:30
    [:aging_date_014] => 2019-10-04 03:09:30
    [:age_days_015] => 0
    [:aging_016] =>
    [:sales_representative_017] =>

    [lastCommand:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [limit:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => 0
    [noErrorLog:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [onDuplicateKey:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [orderBy:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [pdoDb:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => PDO Object

    [pdoDb2:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => PDO Object

    [saveLastCommand:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [selectAll:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [selectList:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [selectStmts:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [table_columns:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [table_constraints:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [table_engine:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [table_schema:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] => sulste1q_invoicev2
    [transaction:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [usePost:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>
    [whereClause:Inc\Claz\PdoDb:private] =>

    [type] => ->
    [args] => Array
    [0] => INSERT
    [1] => si_invoices


    [2] => Array
    [file] => /home/sulste1q/iwarecms.nl/invoice/modules/invoices/save.php
    [line] => 51
    [function] => insert
    [class] => Inc\Claz\Invoice
    [type] => ::
    [args] => Array
    [0] => Array
    [biller_id] => 1
    [customer_id] => 15
    [type_id] => 2
    [preference_id] => 2
    [date] => 2019-10-04
    [note] => <div>dd</div>
    [custom_field1] =>
    [custom_field2] =>
    [custom_field3] =>
    [custom_field4] =>
    [sales_representative] =>



    [3] => Array
    [file] => /home/sulste1q/iwarecms.nl/invoice/index.php
    [line] => 375
    [args] => Array
    [0] => /home/sulste1q/iwarecms.nl/invoice/modules/invoices/save.php

    [function] => include


    [04-Oct-2019 15:09:30 Europe/London] Invoice::insert() – Error: PdoDb – query(): Execute error. See error_log.`

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