Unable to create public/data.json file

SimpleInvoices Group Forum Forums Fearless359 SimpleInvoices Discussion Group Unable to create public/data.json file

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  • #798

    Hello thanks so much for your effort, i am using simpleinvoices_2019_master on my fedora system with PHP7.2.18, while click manage product and customer i got following error, how to resolve it, could you help me resolve it?, error screenshot attached

    Unable to create public/data.json file


    Make you sure you have directory, “public”, with access 755. You can also look in the tmp/log/php.log file to see if there is a better explanation of the error.


    Hello thanks to your reply, my issue has been resolved now, after creating public folder error disappeared.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by ramanc51.

    Hello i created one invoice, sub total and tax amount missed, i set IGST tax type with 18% value, but it seems that it is not reflected on my invoice, also sub total how to enable both?, invoice attached.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by ramanc51.

    Is this a custom invoice template? Regardless, attach the invoice template you are using to a response to this message so I can look at what it is doing.


    No sir, i didn’t use any template, this quote generated only using our simpleinvoices_2019_master, i added Indian currency HTML code, Tax rate and logo


    This is what I get when I use the default template. You might try updating to the master_2019.2 version and see if that affects your results.

    If that doesn’t work first verify in the SI Defaults that you have the Default template selected and then zip your folder with the invoice template you are using and attached it to your response and I’ll check it out.


    Also, be sure to check the SI Default setting for Default Invoice Template. Per what you have written, it should show “default” as the setting.


    thanks sir, master_2019.2 working as expected, find out attachment of generated invoice/Quote, few errors found

    1) While creating new invoice/quote default rows created not useful also not reflected after saving that invoice/quote

    2) if i add one more new row then selected product/item value not loaded automatically, we need to enter manually

    3) found few extra character on description filed

    remaining all are seems OK

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by ramanc51.

    Find this attachment


    Please provide me with a zip file of the templates/invoices directory and upload it. Also, give me a screen shot of the SI Defaults screen and of any other screen that shows something that it shouldn’t.


    Sir find attachment of templates/invoices directory and si default screen shoot


    Ok, I believe you must be overriding the default template. This means your template is in the custom/default_template directory. If this is the case, you can move the files out of this directory (saving them). You will then be using the standard SI default template. Test that. Then you can move your files back to the custom/default_template directory and start fixing them to work how you want.

    Let me know what your find.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by fearless359.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 12 months ago by fearless359.

    ok thanks, but i don’t have idea/knowledge on PHP, i need only one modification/update on your simpleinvoices-master_2019.2 verdion

    if i add one more new row, price of selected product on this new row is not loaded automatically, we need to edit it manually

    if this issue/option is corrected then this version is almost usable to me, thanks your support.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by ramanc51.

    I just upload changes to fix the setting of the unit price when the invoice item product changes. Also fixed issues when adding new lines (part of the price issue) and problems with not being able to delete lines.

    Download the current 04/01 (no April fools) version and see if this doesn’t address your issues.

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