Regarding PDF Print Size

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  • #2054

    Dear sir

    We have changed the pdf print size from legal to A4 and

    exportSpreadsheet = xls
    exportWordProcessor = doc
    export.pdf.screensize = 540
    export.pdf.papersize = A4
    exportPdfLeftMargin = 15
    exportPdfRightMargin = 15
    exportPdfTopMargin = 15
    exportPdfBottomMargin = 15

    Still when generating PDF still showing in reduced size

    please advice


    There is no export.pdf.screensize parameter. And the export.pdf.papersize name should be changed to exportPdfPaperSize.

    Here are the parameters I use for your reference:

    exportSpreadsheet               = xls
    exportWordProcessor             = doc
    exportPdfDefaultFontSize        = 10
    exportPdfPaperSize              = Letter
    exportPdfLeftMargin             = 5
    exportPdfRightMargin            = 5
    exportPdfTopMargin              = 5
    exportPdfBottomMargin           = 5

    Hope this helps.

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