Recurring Invoices

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  • #2153

    I would like to use the recurring invoice feature. I don’t quite understand how invoice numbers, dates change on later invoices. Is there info apart from the “How To…” section. Many thanks.


    The invoice number and date are set the same as if you generated a new invoice manually. The invoice is the next available and the data is the current system date.


    Many thanks that makes sense, I get it now (also just found the render invoice button that confirms it).

    However I cannot email invoice out. I get this reesponse to a curl command
    <title>401 Unauthorized</title>
    <p>This server could not verify that you
    are authorized to access the document
    requested. Either you supplied the wrong
    credentials (e.g., bad password), or your
    browser doesn’t understand how to supply
    the credentials required.</p>

    My custom.config.ini has:-
    emailHost = mymailserver
    emailSmtpAuth = true
    emailUsername = SameAsLoginName
    emailPassword = passworSetOnMailServer
    emailSmtpPort = 25
    emailSecure = tls
    emailAck = false
    emailUseLocalSendmail = false

    The invoice system is protected by a user and password. How can one authorise the curl request.
    many thanks


    Your issue will be setup related. For your setup, I suggest using port 26 for TLS. That is what I am using on my live system. If that doesn’t work, check your email provider to see what they recommend for TLS settings on SMTP server.


    First a bit more background. We run our own mail server but there was nothing in the logs. The invoice site is protected first by basic Apache authentication (user and password) and secondly by a login with password to the invoicing site (along with other scripts that check the logs and adjust the firewall againat bad actors) The error reported stemmed from the webserver denying access to its own address in the absence of the server user/ password. Changing the apache server basic authentication to allow a curl request from itself. sufficed to allow the request to be actioned. It succeeded. Again many thanks for your prompt reply and hints.

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