Problem with “Default Invoice Preference”

SimpleInvoices Group Forum Forums Fearless359 SimpleInvoices Discussion Group Problem with “Default Invoice Preference”

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  • #1503

    I am testing master-2020 and as I go I play with a few of the options. I have several questions so expect a few post in the near future 🙂

    First one is that whatever you select for the preference in the setting in the end it always display “Quote” as the default. The systems knows about the one I selected so not a big problem but it can be confusing at first.


    So you are saying the on the new invoice screen that no matter what you select in the Invoice Preference field, the invoice shows Quote in the preference column? Please get a screen shot of the si_invoices database table showing the setting in the preference_id field, and a screen shot of the content of the si_preferences table.


    What I see is that when I click on setting then select the tab SI Default then “Default Invoice Preference: ” shows Quote but if I edit it will show the correct invoice that I want to use.

    See the screenshots

    So the system displays and use the correct value but the wrong one is displayed in the SI Default tab


    Provide screen shots of your si_system_defaults and si_preferences tables.


    here is si_system_defaults

    select * from si_system_defaults;
    | id | name                     | value                    | domain_id | extension_id |
    |  1 | biller                   | 4                        |         1 |            1 |
    |  2 | customer                 | 1                        |         1 |            1 |
    |  3 | tax                      | 4                        |         1 |            1 |
    |  4 | preference               | 5                        |         1 |            1 |
    |  5 | line_items               | 1                        |         1 |            1 |
    |  6 | template                 | penny                    |         1 |            1 |
    |  7 | payment_type             | 3                        |         1 |            1 |
    |  8 | language                 | en_GB                    |         1 |            1 |
    |  9 | dateformate              | Y-m-d                    |         1 |            1 |
    | 10 | spreadsheet              | xls                      |         1 |            1 |
    | 11 | wordprocessor            | doc                      |         1 |            1 |
    | 12 | pdfscreensize            | 800                      |         1 |            1 |
    | 13 | pdfpapersize             | A4                       |         1 |            1 |
    | 14 | pdfleftmargin            | 15                       |         1 |            1 |
    | 15 | pdfrightmargin           | 15                       |         1 |            1 |
    | 16 | pdftopmargin             | 15                       |         1 |            1 |
    | 17 | pdfbottommargin          | 15                       |         1 |            1 |
    | 18 | emailhost                | localhost                |         1 |            1 |
    | 19 | emailusername            |                          |         1 |            1 |
    | 20 | emailpassword            |                          |         1 |            1 |
    | 21 | logging                  | 1                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 22 | delete                   | 1                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 23 | tax_per_line_item        | 1                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 24 | inventory                | 0                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 25 | product_attributes       | 1                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 27 | company_logo             | simple_invoices_logo.png |         1 |            1 |
    | 28 | company_name_item        | SimpleInvoices           |         1 |            1 |
    | 29 | password_min_length      | 8                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 30 | password_lower           | 1                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 31 | password_number          | 1                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 32 | password_special         | 0                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 33 | password_upper           | 1                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 34 | session_timeout          | 60                       |         1 |            1 |
    | 35 | default_invoice          | 0                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 36 | expense                  | 0                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 37 | sub_customer             | 0                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 38 | product_groups           | 0                        |         1 |            1 |
    | 39 | invoice_description_open | 1                        |         1 |            1 |
    38 rows in set (0.010 sec)

    For si_preferences it is a bit more complicated. I don’t know how to display it in a nice way and it contains some sensitive information.
    is there anything in particular you want to see?


    ok the forum does quite a nice job at displaying the data. I replaced some bank data…

    select * from si_preferences;
    | pref_id | domain_id | pref_description | pref_currency_sign | pref_inv_heading | pref_inv_wording | pref_inv_detail_heading | pref_inv_detail_line                                                                                         | pref_inv_payment_method | pref_inv_payment_line1_name | pref_inv_payment_line1_value | pref_inv_payment_line2_name | pref_inv_payment_line2_value | pref_enabled | status | locale | language | index_group | set_aging | currency_code | include_online_payment | currency_position |
    |       1 |         1 | Invoice Philippe | £                 | Invoice          | Invoice          | Bank Details            | bank                                                                                                     | name            | Sort Code:                  | code                     | Account number:             | account                     |            1 |      1 | en_GB  | en_GB    |           1 |         1 | GPB           |                        | left              |
    |       2 |         1 | Receipt          | £                  | Receipt          | Receipt          | Details                 | <br />This transaction has been paid in full, please keep this receipt as proof of purchase.<br /> Thank you |                         |                             |                              |                             |                              |            1 |      1 | en_GB  | en_GB    |           1 |         0 | GPB           |                        | left              |
    |       3 |         1 | Estimate         | £                  | Estimate         | Estimate         | Details                 | <br />This is an estimate of the final value of services rendered.<br />Thank you                            |                         |                             |                              |                             |                              |            1 |      1 | en_GB  | en_GB    |           1 |         0 | GPB           |                        | left              |
    |       4 |         1 | Quote            | £                  | Quote            | Quote            | Details                 | <br />This is a quote of the final value of services rendered.<br />Thank you                                |                         |                             |                              |                             |                              |            1 |      1 | en_GB  | en_GB    |           1 |         0 | GPB           |                        | left              |
    |       5 |         1 | Invoice Penny    | £                 | invoice          |                  |                         |                                                                                                              |                         |                             |                              |                             |                              |            1 |      1 | en_GB  | en_GB    |           5 |         1 | UKP           |                        | NULL              |
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by ppmt.

    OK. Found the problem. The setting is correct but what shows on the manage screen is not correct. I just uploaded a fix for this. Update files and you should be good to go.


    I have updated the latest files and can confirm that it is fixed!

    Thanks a lot.

    I can now write another post for what I think is an issue with my database format…

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