Owing – Issue with invoices


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  • #1808

    If I look at MONEY > INVOICES – every invoice has an “Owing” Value of 0.00
    Even if it is a new invoice.
    If the invoice is for a repeat customer, any “Owing” amounts will be seen at the bottom of the Quick View of the invoice, but not in the Print Preview or the invoice itself – including the table of invoices.
    However; I can ONLY process invoice payment by going to the Quick View of the Invoice and Processing Payment there – any other way of Processing the “Owning” amount brings the screen which shows the owning amount is 0.00.

    Other than this, I can use everything.. but I have to go into each invoice to see any owing amounts.
    Patch Levels I am running are in the XLSX file attached to this post.
    Thanks In Advance


    The most likely case is that the si_invoices owing field has been zeroed out. You can set this field to 1 in records to force SI to recalculate the owing field for display purposes. It will also allow you to do payments from the invoice manage screen.

    This slows down processing as the owing value is recalculated for all invoices; paid off or not. If you enter the edit screen for invoices with payments due and save them without making changes, the owing field will be properly set. If you does this for all invoices that are outstanding, you can then change all those with an owing value of 1 back to 0 so they no longer force the recalculation.

    You can use phpMyAdmin to set the owing field to 1:

    UPDATE si_invoices SET owing= 1 WHERE 1

    Later you can use phpMyAdmin to set the owing fields with a value of 1 back to 0:

    UPDATE si_invoices SET owing= 0 WHERE owing = 1

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by RRowley.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by RRowley.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by RRowley.

    Thank you… I will make the change.
    Question – Do I need to change it back, or can I leave it changed?


    I made the change, but the Owning still shows Zero.


    Just done some screenshots after making the change and editing / saving an invoice.

    Sadly. this customer is now saying “the invoice shows 0.00 owing”
    even though the paid shows zero too !!


    Not sure what is going on. There are a few things I’d like you to update to the latest SI version and check again. Likely won’t change anything but then we are working from common code. Let me know either way. If the problem still occurs, I’ll put together some changes to display data to try and drill into what is going on.

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