Refer to the Invoice Templates & Styles topic on the left menu. It explains how you can create your own, personalized printed/pdf invoice template. This allows you to personalize the output as you need to. Also, you can try out other templates included with SI by selection in SI Defaults setting.
I found it the file public_html\invoices\templates\invoices\default\template.tpl and also the code:
But how can I change the format?
I was expecting something like
date_format($date,”Y/m/d H:i:s”);
any indication?
Thank you
Look in the Inc/Claz/Util.php file. Find the date method. Notice in the comments the supported date formats. Say you want the long format (ex: May 8, 2024). In the field you mentioned you would have:
If you need a format other than those in the Util::date method, you would need to implement extension code to do it. View the Extensions topic.
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