Reply To: Master2023 PDO Error when saving new invoice


If you start with an empty database, the structure is created using the most current structure version and then installs essential data required to start using SI. The only reason to insert sample data is if you don’t want to use the database for live purposes; just testing it out.

Once the essential data has been installed, you can begin using SI. Just create a biller, a customer and a product. The you can enter an invoice.

This is the approach to take if you are starting from scratch. On the other hand, if you need to preserve your current version’s data, you follow the upgrade path through master_2019.2. This however appears to be having problems for you. That is why I suggested letting me try and convert your current data from your historic SI to the most current level.

From what you say about your PHP version and such, you should be able to run the most current master_2023 version. However you want to proceed, let me know.