Reply To: Updating from 2018 to 2019, now to master2020


OK, lets just set the basics in the custom.config.ini file. Retype your lines to make sure there are no weird characters in them. Also, there is an updated Config.php file in the zip below. It checks for the false return that you are getting and shows a generic error rather stack dump.

databaseAdapter                 = pdo_mysql
databaseUtf8                    = true
databaseHost                    = yourhostsetting
databaseUsername                = yourdbusername
databasePassword                = "yourdbpassword"
databaseDbname                  = yourdbname
databasePort                    = 3306

authenticationEnabled           = true
authenticationHttp              =

exportSpreadsheet               = xls
exportWordProcessor             = doc

exportPdfDefaultFontSize        = 12
exportPdfPaperSize              = Letter
exportPdfLeftMargin             = 15
exportPdfRightMargin            = 15
exportPdfTopMargin              = 15
exportPdfBottomMargin           = 15

versionName                     = 2020.0.12
versionUpdateDate               = 20210128

localLocale                     = en_US
localCurrencyCode               = USD
localPrecision                  = 2

emailHost                       = youremailsmtphost
emailSmtpAuth                   = true
emailUsername                   = youremailusername
emailPassword                   = youremailpassword
emailSmtpPort                   = yoursmtpport
emailSecure                     = yoursecuresetting
emailAck                        = youracksetting(true/false)
emailUseLocalSendmail           = youruserlocalsendmailsetting(true/false)

encryptionDefaultKey            = this_is_the_encryption_key_change_it
nonceKey                        = this_should_be_random_and_secret_so_change_it
nonceTimeLimit                  = 3600

debugLevel                      = All
debugErrorReporting             = E_ERROR

phpSettingsDateTimezone         = yourdatetimezonesetting
phpSettingsDisplayStartupErrors = 1
phpSettingsDisplayErrors        = 1
phpSettingsLogErrors            = 1
phpSettingsErrorLog             = tmp/log/php.log

; Logs in tmp/log/si.log. Set to the desired level for log detail.
; The lower the number, the more information will be logged.
; DEBUG(100),INFO(200),NOTICE(250),WARNING(300),ERROR(400),CRITICAL(500),ALERT(550),EMERGENCY(600)
loggerLevel                     = DEBUG

; Explicitly confirm delete of line items from invoices? (yes/no)
confirmDeleteLineItem           = no