Fearless359 SimpleInvoices
SimpleInvoices is an open source, invoicing system, free for all to use. The Fearless359 version available on Github, was forked from the primary SimpleInvoices source and updated to support current PHP and MySQL (aka Maria Db) libraries.
This website is a comprehensive Knowledge Base designed to provide information about SimpleInvoices. Be sure to review topics in the “SimpleInvoices Group Forum” on this site.
To submit questions about SimpleInvoices, log into the “SimpleInvoices Group Forum” on this site and submit a new topic.
There are currently four master versions for Fearless359.
The “master_2023” version should be used for PHP8.1 and above. This version is recommended as updates are made to this version and not previous versions. It has been updated for use on systems running 8.1 or later version of PHP. Issues encountered with it should be reported via this forum so they can be addressed. For users updating a previous version to master_2023 version, master_2019.2 is a pre-requisit.
The “master_2020” version should be used for PHP7.4x. Note that you MUST upgrade to master_2019.2 before upgrading to master_2020. This version has has undergone signification change from the previous version including removal of the unsupported, Zend Framework 1 libraries. This impacts all session support including login/logout operation. It affects the Access Control List (ACL) that controls user access to all web pages based on the type of user role that has been assigned. It also has current versions of the HTMLPurifier and Smarty libraries installed.
The “master_2019.2” version is compatible with PHP 7.2 and greater, and current MySQL databases. The jQuery and associated libraries for this version are current and maintained. The DataTables library has been implemented to replace the deprecated Flexigrid library. This improves performance of the invoices, customer, products, payments, users, etc. management pages.
The “master” version is compatible with PHP 5.6x and current MySQL databases. The jQuery and Flexigrid libraries for this version are deprecated but work with this version of SimpleInvoices.