Reply To: Problem with “Default Invoice Preference”


ok the forum does quite a nice job at displaying the data. I replaced some bank data…

select * from si_preferences;
| pref_id | domain_id | pref_description | pref_currency_sign | pref_inv_heading | pref_inv_wording | pref_inv_detail_heading | pref_inv_detail_line                                                                                         | pref_inv_payment_method | pref_inv_payment_line1_name | pref_inv_payment_line1_value | pref_inv_payment_line2_name | pref_inv_payment_line2_value | pref_enabled | status | locale | language | index_group | set_aging | currency_code | include_online_payment | currency_position |
|       1 |         1 | Invoice Philippe | £                 | Invoice          | Invoice          | Bank Details            | bank                                                                                                     | name            | Sort Code:                  | code                     | Account number:             | account                     |            1 |      1 | en_GB  | en_GB    |           1 |         1 | GPB           |                        | left              |
|       2 |         1 | Receipt          | £                  | Receipt          | Receipt          | Details                 | <br />This transaction has been paid in full, please keep this receipt as proof of purchase.<br /> Thank you |                         |                             |                              |                             |                              |            1 |      1 | en_GB  | en_GB    |           1 |         0 | GPB           |                        | left              |
|       3 |         1 | Estimate         | £                  | Estimate         | Estimate         | Details                 | <br />This is an estimate of the final value of services rendered.<br />Thank you                            |                         |                             |                              |                             |                              |            1 |      1 | en_GB  | en_GB    |           1 |         0 | GPB           |                        | left              |
|       4 |         1 | Quote            | £                  | Quote            | Quote            | Details                 | <br />This is a quote of the final value of services rendered.<br />Thank you                                |                         |                             |                              |                             |                              |            1 |      1 | en_GB  | en_GB    |           1 |         0 | GPB           |                        | left              |
|       5 |         1 | Invoice Penny    | £                 | invoice          |                  |                         |                                                                                                              |                         |                             |                              |                             |                              |            1 |      1 | en_GB  | en_GB    |           5 |         1 | UKP           |                        | NULL              |
  • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by ppmt.